A Better Cleveland for All:
A Progressive PAC in Cleveland

A Better Cleveland for All is a political action committee (PAC) organized by Cleveland residents who belong to progressive organizations in the city.  We believe our current city government lacks the leadership and vision to address the issues our city faces. We work to foster public discussion of key issues in our city and to elect progressive candidates to Cleveland City Council. 

Fundraising by people, not special interests

At A Better Cleveland for All, we believe political campaigns should be publicly financed to reduce the influence of big money in politics. Until that happens, however, a grassroots PAC like ours can help level the playing field against the unfair influence of wealthy corporate interests.

We follow these guidelines for equitable, democratic fundraising:
• We don’t accept donations from corporations or corporate PACs.
• We don’t accept donations from business owners who have an obvious stake in city policy or contracts.
• We don’t accept donations over $1,000 per year.

We welcome small donations from individuals who support progressive change in Cleveland!

Our city, our future

A vision for a Cleveland that works for us

Affordable housing, public transportation, and public utilities

Measured by a relative decline in household expenses.

  • Public investments for us— streets not special interests
  • Focus residential tax abatement on affordable housing
  • Support tenant rights and tenant unions
  • Encourage community land trusts
  • Develop ways to limit out-of-state LLCs from purchasing rental properties and enforce building codes on such owners
  • Support for ethical landlords
  • Develop programs to help seniors to stay in their homes
  • Experiment with innovative, low-cost home construction methods
  • Change zoning to encourage higher density, affordable housing along transit corridors
  • Move towards free and expanded public transit
  • Develop programs to help people pay utility bills to reduce energy and water use.
  • Encourage Cleveland Public Power investments that lower energy costs, improve reliability, and speed the transition to affordable green power.

Education, jobs, and living wages

Measured by a lower poverty rate and improved state school report card.

  • Continue Say Yes to Cleveland free college program
  • Expand training and apprenticeship programs for jobs in the trades
  • Guarantee living wages for jobs in the city
  • Develop subsidies tied to job development for city residents at prevailing wages
  • Support union organizing
  • Welcome immigrants to our city

Healthy homes, safe neighborhoods, and healthy food

Measured by decrease in health disparities, falling crime rates.

  • Make all housing lead safe by 2030
  • Make safety a public health issue through investments in violence prevention, mental health services, youth programs, alternative policing programs
  • Eliminate food deserts
  • Expand community gardens
  • Make parks and playgrounds centers for active living
  • Create pedestrian amenities to encourage walking
  • Create an aggressive anti-smoking campaign
  • Assure accessible health care for all

Excellent public services and government by the people

Measured by voter turnout in elections.

  • Maximize use and satisfaction with the 311 system for accessing city services
  • Transparency in city government
  • Initiate a participatory budgeting program
  • Establish term limits for city council president
  • Establish a new system for creating  fair ward maps
  • Develop a campaign to increase voter turnout
  • Return to old campaign finance limits for council races with a COLA system

How can you help build a more progressive Cleveland?

We have developed a strong, volunteer committee of Cleveland residents to guide this effort and are seeking other residents to join the work. We need financial support and local citizens who will participate in the ground and mail campaigns for our supported candidates. Small dollar donations by residents all across our city can collectively make a huge difference in a City Council campaign and help level the playing field for candidates challenging incumbents or vying for open seats.   Help with phone calls, postcard writing, and door knocking is critical to successful campaigns.  Your contribution and participation will support progressive candidates who will transform our city and make Cleveland a better place for all. To join us in these efforts, email us a [email protected]

Our 4-Step Process
for Political Change

We will promote a discussion of our progressive agenda for our city during the city council campaigns beginning in May, 2025. We will host forums and debates in the run up to the elections to bring candidates and residents together to discuss next steps in creating a better Cleveland for all.

Identify and encourage new progressive candidates for City Council to step forward. We hope to have a caucus of progressive candidates on city council beginning in 2026. If you are interested in running please let us know.

Support candidates with technical support and early seed money for their campaigns. We have been raising money for this election cycle since 2022. We will partner with allied organizations provide education and personal guidance to candidates on how to run successful campaigns.

Make endorsement decisions to provide greater support to candidates running strong, progressive campaigns. Support after the endorsement will include additional funds and volunteer campaign assistance by the local activist community